Nick Ripatrazone

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I'm an author, editor, writer, and teacher.

You can learn more about my work from this Catholic News Service profile.

My latest book, The Habit of Poetry: The Literary Lives of Nuns in Midcentury America, is the story behind a midcentury renaissance of nuns and sisters who wrote poetry (Fortress Press 2023).

My recent books include Longing for an Absent God: Faith and Doubt in Great American Fiction and Wild Belief: Poets and Prophets in the Wilderness, both from Broadleaf Books, and Digital Communion: Marshall McLuhan's Spiritual Vision for a Virtual Age, from Fortress Press.

I'm the Culture Editor for Image Journal, a quarterly magazine that seeks to publish the best writing and artwork informed by or grappling with religious faith.

I write a monthly column for the Catholic Herald (UK) on books and culture.

I've written regular columns for Literary Hub and The Millions about literary magazines, teaching, and poetry.

I work on frequent projects for the Jesuits, including a book club with live events, and teach a course on Catholic storytelling.

I've written for Rolling Stone, GQ, The Atlantic, The Paris Review, Esquire, Outside, The Sewanee Review, America, Commonweal, The Christian Century, Christianity Today, The Kenyon Review, The Iowa Review, The Mississippi Review, The Poetry Foundation, and elsewhere. My longform reported stories have been featured at Truly Adventurous.

I've lectured on poetry, literature, and Catholicism—in-person and virtually—at a wide variety of colleges and events: Columbia University, Notre Dame, the University of Scranton, LaSalle University, the University of Pennsylvania, Susquehanna University, Sewanee: the University of the South, Texas Tech, the University of Rochester, the University of St. Francis, and delivered the Keynote address at the 2023 Glen Workshop for writers and artists.

I live with my wife and twin daughters in the part of New Jersey with lots of forests and lakes and bobcats.
